best online deals of the day for a laptop
Best online deals of the day for a Laptop
Good day to you all, and welcome once again to a short narrative once again made possible by our hosts, recently voted America’s favorite place to shop online in 2020. Today the world of the “Laptop Computer,” that little marvel which gets thrown around, stepped on and hurriedly stuffed into our briefcases as we hurry out the door to work every day, and on the way, we hope to show you where you can go to get the “Best Online Deals Of The Day for Laptop.
Rumor has it that amongst the dusty rubble on our moon’s surface, our planet’s only natural satellite, two laptops lay hidden just where Neil Armstrong, the commander of the mission, left them sometime between July 16, 1969 – July 24, 1969. These small Osborne 1 portable computers (named after its inventor Adam Osborne back in 1981) had the combined power of just under 2 watts, hardly enough power to run an electric alarm clock; however, these two mighty little machines are what got Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin onto the lunar surface in the first place while using the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle. No small step when you consider that just five years earlier, the first desktop computer (invented by Giorgio Perotto was unveiled at the New York World’s Fair).
Authors note About 44,000 of those “programma 101” computers, as they were named, were sold and at a price tag of $3,200.00, an extraordinary amount for the time a costly buy. I have a better idea for you, pop over to BargainBrute, and you can find laptops at a fraction of that cost today.
These early attempts to create a portable desktop computer were, how can one put it politely, fraught with complications and malfunctions. When the user finally got his or her hands on one when he or she attempted to pick up what we’re meant to be portable machines, they almost caused many a hernia mainly due to their average weight of over twenty-five to thirty-five pounds. However, they were, for the time, a tremendous leap forward, and people flocked to buy them.
These early machines also caught the attention of other engineers. One of them went by the name of “Steve Jobs,” who in 1979 took a team of engineers around the Xerox PARC. At this facility, they were making these incredibly futuristic electronic gadgets. As a result of much of the stuff, he saw that day would become part of all future Apple machines. Of particular interest to him was the pointing device, a device we now call a mouse, that little thing which loyalty sits next to you while sitting on its very own little rubber mat.
Authors note: We are told that one of the hardest things to build into those first everyday laptops was the little plate at the front of the device, which you used to move the cursor over the small screen with one of your fingers, and small those screens were, some as tiny as four inches sq. I can guarantee if you go over to, all their laptops come with decent-sized screens and at excellent top deal prices as well.
It would be remiss if I did not give the Grand Father of the computer as he became known as Charles Babbage a quick mention. He was constantly inventing some of the computer or electronic pieces of equipment but, for some reason, consistently failed to build them.
His design for the very first automatic computing engine named after him, the “Babbage Engine,” would have to wait until 153 years after the eccentric’s death. His machine not portable, weighed in at five tons, was eleven ft long, and had over 1,000 moving parts and would have probably never been seen by anyone in the world, however in 2002 in London, it was built exactly as the eccentric’s blueprints instructed, and when started it amazed doubtful onlookers and worked exactly as he had planned.
Authors note: I wonder what Babbage would think today if he knew that the internet’s largest search engine uses the name Analytic when referring to their search engines. I guess we will never know.
I am about to write what is perhaps the most complicated sentence ever written. It was written by a gentleman going by Doug Engelbart’s name, the inventor of that pointing device, the mouse. The actual title of the lecture was “The mouse, hypertext, e-mail, video conferencing, teleconferencing, and collaborative, real-time document editing pointing device.” Please don’t say I did not warn you, but I could not resist putting that exclamation in this narrative.
OK, now we come to what is considered the first of today’s modern-day laptops, a flat design where the keyboard folds over the screen so that the device can be carried. Manufactured in the United Kingdom, the instrument was called the GRiD Compass and would cost the interested buyer a whopping $10,000.00. It could not be run using batteries of the time, so it relied totally on AC power. However, its weight of just five pounds led companies like NASA to start using them on space flights, and that is how they arrived on the moon.
Authors note: This design would become the die which all future Laptops would be cast until today.
Thinking back to that period, you have to remember that both the United States and Russia were in the middle of the cold war. As the Russians had already put the first satellite in space, the first man in space, and the first woman in space, our little Laptop, which had just 80 kilobytes of memory inside it, went to the moon carrying the hopes of a whole nation—the hopes, in fact, of the United States.
Well, my friends, we are coming to the end of this short narrative, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I have to say I am so glad that I do not have to go through all that to get myself one of the best online deals of the day when searching for a laptop. All I have to do is go over to who always has high-quality laptops on sale at a fraction of the cost found anywhere else on the Internet.
Please pop over and give them a try and join the thousands who have made BargainBrute the best place to shop online anywhere in the world’s high-speed internet.
So on behalf of the Vandergraph family and every employee at, together, we thank you for shopping with us.